We have a personal seamstress we keep chained in the basement, our own Irish indentured servant, whom we picked up in Montserrat from a white slave trader in 1655, our dear friend
Kathleen Crowley, who just blogged about one of your humble narrator's many items of clothing which she has produced for him, fingers bleeding, legs cramping up from the cold and damp. She had recently escaped from a hareem where she learned the tribal ways. I highly recommend having your own, especially if you are into local and sustainable and handmade fashion. My ex-wife used to call me a clothes horse which I always took as a compliment but I just looked it up to find the following definition: informal often derogatory a determinedly fashionable person. Yes, that's me, determined and resolute in my achievement of slavish fashionhood.
Alas, I think of you more as a gentleman's valet or a hobby horse. Clothes make the man, and bed clothes the nightly sleep. Just imagine what Drinky Crow would say?
four dollars four dollars four dollars four dollars four dollars four dollars
Can I turn up the heat please, Sir? Its getting cold down here.......in the basement.......chained to my machines......in the dark..........
No more coal for you.
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